October 1st, 2022
50K - 7am
25K - 9:30am
10K - 11:30am

Race Details
All races will begin at the cabins in Centennial Park on Saturday, October 1st, 2022. The Race Course for 2022 is subject to change. Participants will be notified as early as possible.

This year's race will be cupless. Register by August 31st to receive a free BPA-Free UpRiver Speed Cup (valued at $13)
Late registrants can purchase a cup for 70% off at Race Kit Pick up (while quantities last)

The 10K event will be a single loop course that heads from the cabins into Shuniah Mines and back. The current route can be seen by clicking on the 10K course link below. The written course descriptions can be found here.

The Race Course for 2022 is subject to change. Participants will be notified as early as possible.
If no changes will be made, the course can be viewed with the link above. The 25K event will be run on and out and back course that heads from the cabins into Shuniah Mines, tours Shuniah Mines, crosses back into centennial and ultimately to the aid station that will be located in the Cascade Conservation area parking lot. Runners will receive aid if needed and head on back.


The 50K event will be two out and backs of the 25K course. We wanted to make this race as much fun single track as possible. The course we have set is 80% fun single track. We also like the idea of seeing the leaders and also the camaraderie of an out and back style where you get the opportunity to encourage the other runners.

New for 2022:
- Free Shuttle to and from the race (nearby parking lots will be communicated soon)
- Optional T-shirt available for $25 extra under ultrasignup "STORE" tab (order by August 31st)
- This will be a cupless event: Register by August 31st to receive a free reusable BPA-free UpRiver Speed Cup (valued at $13)
- Optional Hot Post Race Meal (vegan friendly) for $7.50 available under ultrasignup "STORE" tab
- The 50K event will have a 9hr cutoff with a 4.5 hr cutoff at the 1/2 way point (25km mark) and a 6hr45min cutoff at the 3/4 of the way mark
- Race bibs are transferable until the registration deadline (Saturday, September 17th,11:59pm)
- 17 and under participants can register in any distance for $45.
- Early bird pricing until August 20th
- Race Capacity (50Km = 75 runners; 25Km = 150 runners; 10Km = 300 runners)


