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Scott Wiebe Hoot Winter Trail Race

2025 FORMAT:

Races 1-4 will be Semi-Virtual, following a set course, requiring participants to submit GPS data.  Unless there is an extreme winter weather warning in effect, Race 5 will be held in-person at CENTENNIAL PARK ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd at 10am.

$20 for each race (+processing fees). Register for the series (all 5 races) and receive a Hoot Toque (valued at $30)! Must register by January 6th. Those registering for 1 race, can purchase a toque for $30.

Toques will be available at Race Kit Pickup at Marostica Subaru of Friday, February 21st 2pm-5pm.



Any additional toque purchases are non-refundable.

Hoot 1 Winter Trail Race logo
Hoot 2 Winter Trail Race logo
Hoot 3 Winter Trail Race logo
Hoot 4 Winter Trail Race logo
Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race logo
Matt Mills running in Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
Mark Kusznier running in Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
John Power running in Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
Start of Hoot Winter Trail Race - Hoot 5
Women running in Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
Group running in Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
The Hoot Winter Trail Series logo

The Hoot - Winter Trail Series

(Semi-Virtual + In-Person Final Race)


Our Winter Trail Series consists of 5 separate races on unique marked courses.  Participants can earn points by completing each race. Each race is $20. Register for the Series (all 5 races) and receive a Hoot Winter Trail toque ($30 value)!  Those registering for individual races have an option to purchase a toque for $30.

Each race will include virtual race bib, draw prizes and awards. If you sign up for the series, you'll receive a bib to wear for your 5th and final in-person race!  Toque orders must be in by January 6th.



Individual Awards Races 1-5 Awards:

-Top Male (overall)

-Top Female (overall)

-Top Non-binary (overall)


In addition to the individual race awards and draw prizes, at the end of the series, awards will be issued to the top male, top female and top non-binary based on most accumulated points, in the following categories:

-39 & Under

-Master (40+) 

-Grand Master (50+) 

Race Series Awards (based on most accumulated points in the series)

*Runners are eligible to win only 1 category in the Final Series standings. AGE CATEGORY IS BASED ON RUNNERS' AGE BY FEBRUARY 22, 2025.


Races: Click on the links below to preview the race courses


  1. Semi-virtual: Weekend of January 10th: Start at Cascades Park - 5.7Km

  2. Semi-virtual: Weekend of January 17th: Start at Trowbridge - 5.5Km

  3. Semi-virtual: Weekend of January 31st: Start at Trowbridge - 8.8Km

  4. Semi-virtual: Weekend of February 7th: Start at Centennial Park - 6.7Km

  5. In-person: Saturday, February 22nd, 10:00am : Start at Centennial Park - 8Km


*Distances are subject to change



Race times for the first 4 races must be submitted using recorded Strava data and sent via email. Elapsed times will be reviewed. If a GPS recording error occurs (watch or phone), participants have the option to either repeat the course, if time allows, or email UpRiver and if approved may be offered completion points, worth 15. (SEE POINTS SYSTEM BELOW)


Race Details:  Participants have the whole weekend to complete the first 4 races and submit their results.

These races can be run from Fridays morning to Sunday at 5:00pm.  *Running distances are approximations and may vary from watch to watch / phone app.  The 5th race will be completed in person on Saturday, February 22nd at 10am at Centennial Park.



Strava: Recording and Submitting your race times:


Click here to watch a tutorial video on how to submit your strava results.


If you don't currently have a Strava account, you can sign up for free.  You can record your activity on a GPS watch or by using the Strava app directly on your smartphone (remember to keep the phone warm, though, or your battery may die mid-run and your data won't get recorded!)


When you're ready to start the run, either hit "Record" on your phone app or start on your GPS watch.  As soon as you complete the course, hit stop and either Save on your GPS watch, or "Finish" on your phone app.


From here, you will need to email your recorded data to us, by either sharing it from your computer or smartphone. (please contact us if you need help with this)


Please note: if your strava account is currently set to private, you can still submit your time by simply sending us screenshots of specific data screens.  We will be looking for 3 main data screens:


1. The main screen that shows your name, date/time, and total distance of your recorded activity.

2. The Segments showing the race you completed.  This is found in your main screen of your activity, under the "Results" section.  You may need to expand the list of results to view the name of the segment.

3. The "Pace" analysis data, found by clicking on "View Analysis".  This will tell us your Elapsed Time (we will not be using the Moving Time).


We strongly recommend that you turn off any auto-pause feature on your watches or smartphone.  Although the Elapsed Time will include the duration of your time on your feet, your recorded distance may be impacted by this.  


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!


Most GPS watches use platforms that can sync their data directly to Strava.  Click here to see if your platform is compatible.  If you're not sure or have more questions, please contact us directly at


We will tabulate the entries in real time to the best of our ability, keeping a virtual leaderboard for the 3 days the semi-virtual races are open. At the conclusion of each 3 day race period, we will crown the winners and give away prizes and awards.  Results for the 5th and final in-person race will be published as finishers cross the finish line.

The Points:


The fastest times will earn 100 points from each race.  Each subsequent place, up to and including the 15th place person, will earn 5 less points.  That is, the person with the 15th fastest time will earn 30 points.  Every finisher that follows, will earn 15 points.  Since points can be accumulated over the five races, it may not necessarily be the fastest runner who completes only some of the races, who wins the overall division.


Example of point structure from each race:


1st = 100pts

2nd = 95pts

3rd = 90pts

4th = 85pts



14th = 35pts

15th = 30pts

16th = 15pts

all following finishers will receive 15 points.



*DIVISIONS will be assigned based on age of runner by February 22nd, 2025. If a runner moves to the next division during the series they will carry their earned points to the new division.


Brenda racing in Hoot Winter Trail Race - Hoot 5
Young runner racing in Hoot 5 winter trail race
Kathleen Lynch and Madaline Youmans finishing Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race together
Happy ladies racing Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race
Post Hoot 5 Winter Trail Race Kip, Andrew and Scott
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